<< Previous Overview Next >> Day 2: Hall - Roggel
But at least this enables me to go sleeping very early and to wake up early again, too. I have slept very well there and in the morning the tent is barely wet. This makes it easy to pack it. A few minutes after 7:00 I start at the camping site. The drizzle starts again. I leave the camping site and get back to the Apeldoorns Kanaal. The wind still didn't turn and so I slowly cycle to Dieren and from there to Arnhem and further to Nijmegen. The town is situated at a hill and on the way to there from time to time there are some waves I have to cycle up and down. In Arnhem I see trolley buses, in Nijmegen I enjoy the nice city centre. But before that I have a break at "Martin's place". I want to check the map, eat something. But when I unpack a few things, three coaches stop and dump an undefined number of elderly people who virtually all have to remark that first they would need to stretch their legs. Some of them start taking me the air by lighting cigarettes. Some of them notice me, ask questions I'm not in the mood in to answer. Therefore I pack all the stuff again and want to cycle away from there. While crawling through the masses some very smart participants of this journey remark that the "fietspad" (cycling path) is over there, next to the road. Guess where I just wanted to go...?
But as I've said, Nijmegen has a nice city centre with historic buildings. A group of joung people obviously has a quiz about the town with some tasks to fulfill. One of them is creating a line of pedestrians. I'm allowed to hold the bike while they were busy with still letting grow this line and taking photos of successfully fulfilling the given task.
Following the more and more hilly roads I reach Roggel, the place where the next camping site waited for me. Being a family camping the receptionist apologised that actually they don't have to offer anything for single tent users. Therefore I get a nice discount, still a ticket for their indoor swimming pool and a quiet place in one corner of the camping site. From there I can watch the rabbits in the evening and a few children come along to ask that strange guy with the strange bike. I find their questions strange, too. They ask me if I don't miss TV...
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